Im opening this topic because i would like to learn more about the inner workings off usd and hboost from inside houini.
some context what im doing and why im asking:
hi my name is Lyon im a developer for Ynput and im currently working on a Usd resolver that is gonna ship with AYON in the future.
im currently in the progress off improving the build process off the resolver, hou20 with gcc11 is working very well on both win and Linux.
but i would like to get the build system to a point that allows building the resolver for many many more software packages
(i know that this forum is Houdini only im just mentioning it in order to give the correct context)
and with that said here is what i have in mind and where i could use some sweet sweet info's or even documentation:
so in the end off the day my perfect little world would allow me to build one resolver against every usd library version that has important / breaking changes and then ship just those build files. plus the source code for people that are interested.
im am aware that this will probably not happen as version off library's external to usd might need to be on the same version as the one in a software package.
with that said i saw that there was a notion on i believe a houdini20 version that building against boost instead off hboost would be possible again.
but at the same time there are 2 things that make be question how possible it might be in the end.
1. first there is the hdk documentation that says that building usd plugins must be done against Houdini internal usd
2. second there is a mention in luca sellers CMakeLists file that Houdini on Linux switched from not using GLIBCXX_USE_CXX11_ABI
to doing so. (link1*)
and i would be very interested in understanding how this influences the build processes off a usd resolver.
so and now with all off this out off the way the end result for me is that building against hou20 works very well but hou19 is giving me some problems right now and building against non Houdini usd library is something i would like to get working.
so if some one has some info's about that stuff, or some places where i could look that would be great.
and now there is only one thing left for me; thanks for reading.
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Usd Asset Resolver using boost and usd instead of hboost
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