Scene is a bottle with a sphere emitting flip fluid (narrow band).
Bottle is around 60cm radius, 1.2meter high. The target is simple: fill up the bottle and make the liquid set still.
I watched tutorials and tried many setting mixture.
Fill new volume on/off
APIC / Flip
Substep 0.2 to 1
Min Substeps / Max Substeps
Ressed Particles on/off
Suface oversampling 1.5--3.0
Oversampling Bandwidth 1--3.0
Death Threshold 1.5--3.0
Random Seed set $T
Apply Particle Separation on/off
Separation Rate 1--2.0
Particle Separation 0.03--0.003
Gird Scale 1.2--2
Initial Data / Input Type : Particle Fied / Narrow band
Add Divergence Field
Volume Collisions / Division Size 0.01--0.1
Attach pre cache *.sim file in "DOP Network / Initial State"
PC: AMD 3950x , RTX 3090, RAM 128G, Cach disk space 1.5TB available, Project disk space 4TB available.
Houdini 20.0.590 non-commercial.
The scene always always stop fill the object at some point.
Soooooooooo frustrating.
Many thanks for any solutions~~!