When in session sync, I can't undo the edits in Houdini

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I'm using Unity 2020.2.1f1 with Houdini 18.5

When in session sync with Unity I can't undo the edits I made in Unity on HDA's. Am I doing something wrong or is this a bug?

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Joined: 5月 2016
Did you happen to find a solution to this? I'm facing the same issue with Houdini 19 in UE5.
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Joined: 6月 2022
Same here, it seems as soon as you connect to the houdini engine it removes the undo cache.
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Just want to bump this issue. We reported it almost 6 months ago and it still has not been addressed.
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Joined: 12月 2010
Piling on here, having the same issue.
When using session sync I can't undo any new actions in Houdini, making it unusable really
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Joined: 2月 2017
I have the same issue, and it's really slowing bugtracking things while doing test on an HDA loaded in Unity.

Fact also is that there iks no warning on that issue

i'd appreciate having this fixed or at least shown off in plugin while using it, as a warning message.
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This Appears to still be an issue
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Joined: 7月 2023
Had this problem since day 1, and have been frustrated by it. Wasn't sure if it was intentionally disabled or not. But, in any case, working without an "undo" feature is VERY difficult. There's quite a few issues with the Unity plugin and it just badly needs some maintenance and updating, especially with Unity 6 looming ... I'd be willing to help, and I think it'd be great if all of us that use Unity would pitch in (even with testing/reporting if you're no good at programming) and whip this thing into respectable shape ... the gods know I need it to work smoothly and run stable, I'm "all in" on building with Houdini + Unity and survival is at stake lol
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