Sticking Textures to a deforming mesh

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Hey Houdini enthusiasts and experts ,
I'm working on a animation project and we are using Houdini in our pipeline for Texturing/Lookdev and generating some procedural assets.
I'm currently stuck on a part where I need to stick a certain texture on the mesh of the asset . The issue is, the topology of that asset is changing every frame and even the point number and prim numbers. The project is being done in a traditional animation technique (frame-by-frame) but using ZBrush as the main modeling software as we want to maintain that clay look on the mesh.

I've tried freezing a frame and then projecting UV on it and then copying those UV to the deforming mesh, but I'm not getting the result I want and it's very distorted.

I'd appreciate any help or any suggestion on this. There might be someone who encountered this type of challenge before.

Thank You folks !
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Well clay has normaly the same color. Don't use UV and just use a basic shader no texture that should not flicker. You can make some masking with curveture for edges but everything else i can't help.
When you have to add a texture say the zbrush guy can add UV's and make some vacation or run like forrest gump

I never had this problem in my project or friends... i feel your pain or pleasure of accepting challanges.
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You freezing the model and copying the UV's seems like a good idea, but try Attribute transfer instead of copying them, that will keep working (to a point) with changing topology.

You could also look up dual-rest, seems like it could work in your situation.
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