Arnold 7.2.5 and Houdini 20

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FWIW - I installed the latest Arnold version and it's working fine with the latest H20 Prod build of H20.0.547

A lot of features to unpack and kick the tires on.

Will post my testing outcomes here, if anyone wants to subscribe to this thread.

Am open to creating some video tutorials if there's interest as well. Lemme know.
Houdini Indie
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I created symlinks (Win11) from Prod H20.0.547 to Daily H20.0.554 and Arnold loads and renders fine - so, no breaking HDK changes between those versions it seems.
Houdini Indie
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Further updates, so, once you create a SimLink for Arnold and HTOA plugins between the Houdini Production and your Houdini Daily Build version numbers - when you subsequently install a newer Daily Build, all you have to do is update the SimLink folder name to the Houdini version number you installed...and..BAM!....Arnold loads up and runs fine.
Edited by TwinSnakes007 - 2023年12月18日 16:22:27
Houdini Indie
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I attempted to get Clone working with the new Arnold Multi-GPU session rendering in the latest release, the key word here being “session” - the render requests have to originate from the same “session” ( or process ), so it certainly wont work with the H20 Clone feature, since that launches/manages multiple Houdini clients for rendering.

I’m hoping that TOPs will be seen as a single process and work with Arnold Multi-GPU Sessions.
Houdini Indie
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i find it a pisstalke release by autodesk...nothign works properly, not crypto in solaris, not large scenes...not pivot aroudn objectg in the viewer...totally crazy
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