Initial values for scriptMenuStripRadio items in custom menu

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Hi there,

Does anyone know how to initialize the selection of a scriptMenuStripRadio item in a custom menu? I'm able to create it, and use the variableValues from it just fine, but when first opening the menu, none of the radio items are selected. I can't seem to find anything obvious in the docs [], and the built-in menus seem to do it magically*.

Side note - the same applied for setting scriptToggleItems to start enabled (1).


Edit: * from MainMenuMPlay.xml:
<menuStripRadio id = "anim_loop">
<radioItem id = "loop"> <label>Loop</label></radioItem>
<radioItem id = "once"> <label>Play Once</label></radioItem>
<radioItem id = "zigzag"><label>Zig-Zag</label></radioItem>
Not exactly sure where
comes from
Edited by jamesr - 2021年2月6日 23:52:04
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Joined: 1月 2024
Did you ever figure this out?

I am hitting the same thing, and none of the radio buttons is selected, which should never happen of course, as by definition, a radio button always has 1 selected.
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