Hello guys! I have an idea on how to optimize metahumans to be performance friendly especially for VR projects that I wanted to discuss and know what's your take on that possibly!
I want to bring metahumans to Houdini, reduce its polycount, create LODs, bake its multiple materials, apply mixamo animations on my metahuman rig (retargeting) and finally export it as a VAT (virtual animation texture). All this workflow condensed in an HAD ideally.
So far, it works fine for most of the part. I can effectively apply polyreduction, create LODs, outputting VAT texture maps/meshes and do retargeting on my metahuman rig... the problem comes when I try to recreate that as an HDA inside Unreal Engine. For some weird reason, the temp mesh the HDA generates simply doesn't work properly with the VAT tex maps. It's a problem I've been experiencing but what do you guys think about this approach? Because at some point I think I can handle everything inside UE.
Unreal Engine Metahumans optimization workflow
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- JoseBringas93
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