VAT soft body simulation Glitches in UE5

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Joined: 6月 2020
Hello everyone. I'm trying to export a set of cloth sims as VAT to UE5. But none of the sims work properly. They all are glitched. Is there anyone who had the same issue?

VAT_ClothGlitch.mp4 (7.3 MB)

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Joined: 2月 2021
make sure the texture compression is HDR, no srgb, nearest filtering, etc.

on the mesh, enable high precision UVs and that the generate lightmap uvs is not overriding the uvs used by the VAT

best way to do this would be with soft body deformation VAT.

in unreal try to use the debug material functions in order to see the resulting values.

another thing is that houdini and ue have different unit systems (meters vs cm) and the axes are switched (y and z). by default the labs VAT system should account for that but you can always check to see what happens if you swizzle the axes a bit.
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