Here are the actual bones. And I created the joints here based on the actual bone names.
This is the "Base.skel".
And I created a separate joint for Guide.
Now I want to merge this with the previous bone(Base.skel) and send it to the autorig component.
In this process, I want the elbow guide joint to control the ulna and radius as if they were real bones moving.
I want to use parent constraints and aim constraints like I did in Maya, so should I set up the joints in Base.skel with rig attribute VOP before putting it into the pack folder as shown below?
(I tried to set up with rig attribute VOP but if failed, I think I need to study this a bit more.)
Is there any way to connect this from the autorig component side, especially with the APEX SCRIPT that came out in 20.5?
I'm looking for advice if there is a good way to go about this solution.
For now, I'll upload the file that failed as a sample. (I was working with an indie version of Houdini 20.5.)