ZBRUSH - new install tip, finding houdini in GOZ

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Quick tip for anyone else who installs zbrush and wants to use GOZ but finds Houdini is not listed. (houdini 18.5 and zbrush 2021)
Step 1 : Open both apps.
Step 2 : In houdini : Place any geometry node down, connect it to a gozexport node and then select the goz node and export to zbrush.
Step 3 : Zbrush will crash out. (Yup kaboom)
Step 4: Open zbrush again
Step 5: Go into lightbox
Step 6: Select goz, houdini should now be listed, select it and then navigate to the correct path for houdini.exe.

Should now be good to model back and forth ^_^

There's probably a better more elegant way, but following the example sidefx tutorial did not work for me, perhaps because my houdini is in a different drive than the default, not sure, but this worked for me, figured someone else might have the same issue.
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I found a way that if you send the first test geo from zBrush to Houdini and then sending the main selected mesh from houdini to zBrush will not crash Houdini
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I still cannot for the life of me get Houdini to show up in GoZ in Zbrush..

I am gathering it is due to Houdini has never created any files in the GoZApps directory and placing new gozexport or gozimport node does not create the files in the GoZApps directory either.

is there anyway to manually get the Houdini folder and its contents that gets placed in GoZApps/ directory so i can place it there myself?

Even if someone posts it here as an attachment? am sure the files are just config files so Zbrush knows what todo.

Thanks for any help.
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Hi Iam new to Houdini so sorry if I ask obvious questions
Does GoZ ZBrush connection works for Houdini 19.5 or this was just a thing for earlier versions.

(I opened first the GoZ portal in Houdini)
When I try to use GoZ export in Houdini a cube appears in ZBrush and it gives an error.

Other way around I cant find Houdini in the GoZ app.

Can you help me with this.


goz.jpg (55.3 KB)
goz-h.jpg (35.7 KB)

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i am also interested to get the latest Zbrush working together with Houdini. Any Fixes soon?
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I was having the same problem with goz export not generating the config files in h19.5 and houdini not showing up. I still had the files on my old rig so i uploaded them to git, instructions in the read me - https://github.com/chrisbing89/HoudiniGOZ [github.com]
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thanks, chrisbing. I was trying to use this feature at work and at home....it was broken on both systems. This fixed the problem.
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I've just started using Houdini a few days ago (20.5) and I've installed the Goz plugin through the Labs tools. Strangely, the Houdini folder doesn't appear in the GoZApps folder, but the import/export works perfectly between Houdini and Zbrush, both import and export. I'm not sure how that's possible, but you must press the GoZ button in ZB before you press the reload in the Houdini import node.

Also, I have 3 other GoZ programs in my install list in Zbrush, and even though Houdini doesn't show up in the list in Zbrush and GoZ can't be set to Houdini, The Houdini import/export nodes still seems to override whatever is set in Zbrush and just works? It's a strange one alright, but it's working fine so I'm not going to question it too much.

I spoke too soon. The Zbrush mesh always comes into Houdini flipped in the Y. I've set every combination of these flags from the GoZ_info file, but no matter I set them too Y remains flipped, even though X and Z change according to what flag I set in the file.


This is the default flag setup from the GoZ install files.
Edited by Danny McGrath - 2024年7月19日 09:41:19
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