Cannot export Primvar to Unreal Engine

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Joined: 3月 2020
Hello guys!

I am testing a simple USD pipeline between Houdini and UE5 and facing some issues.

I have made a sphere in SOPs with a float attribute changing from 0 to 1 between frames 1 and 48. This is then imported in LOPs and the attribute is attached to the MaterialX material so the sphere changes color according to the value of the attribute. Everything works as expected in Houdini.

Unfortunately, when I read the file in Unreal the material does not seem to change and when I check the values of the attribute, they seem to be static and stuck at 0. I have also tested this in the USDView app from Omniverse and there the color does not change, but at least I can see the attribute changing correctly.
Exporting a default Standard Material is working fine and is looking the same in UE and Houdini.

What am I doing wrong or is it simply not yet possible to export a MaterialX shader driven by attribute to Unreal Engine?

usd_issue.hip (221.5 KB)

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