Best way to avoid faceting with OceanProcedural in Karma

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Hi - been using the SmallOcean shelf setup in Karma, very nice and love the simple setup! I've run into some faceting though in the reflections at close range, was wondering what the best way to tackle this would be - looks like dicing should fix it but I've tried a bunch of settings and it doesn't seem to change.
Mostly visible in the closer areas.
Hope someone can help - thanks in advance - Chris

ocean_facet.jpg (281.3 KB)

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that happens if you run out of octaves in your spectrum texture. Increase the max power at least a couple more levels
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Joined: 3月 2016
Nice thanks! I was already at level 10, but pushing it one more really helps. Going to 12... my HD might not cope ;-)
Cheers - C
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Nice thanks! I was already at level 10, but pushing it one more really helps. Going to 12... my HD might not cope ;-)
Cheers - C

Yeah, 12 is needed if you get real close.
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This is probably obvious to everyone but me, but just in case anyone similarly deluded stumbles across this thread...

It's no longer necessary to save out a spectrum file for every frame!

Level 12 is working great, this ocean looks tasty. Now excuse me while I delete a couple of hundred Gb from my cache drive...
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