flip fluid perparticle pscale

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in flip fluid I tried to scaled per particle pscale in simulation via pop wrangle…
but it doesnt affect my simulation at all…

what did i do wrong?

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1) For speed the flip solver assumes constant pscale. You could open it up and turn off these assumptions in the particle transfer, but you'd run into #2:

2) FLIP particles aren't volumes, but are more like just markers. So increasing pscale affects how they transfer to the background grid, but will not affect how much space they take up.

If you are animating scale in order to get them to fatten up and take more room, you should use divergence instead.
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thanx i thought as much…. from your video on creating flip solver from scratch…. im just wondering why changing the pscale per particle didnt change my simulation your first answer clarifies this…

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jlait 杰莱特
1) For speed the flip solver assumes constant pscale. You could open it up and turn off these assumptions in the particle transfer, but you'd run into #2:

2) FLIP particles aren't volumes, but are more like just markers. So increasing pscale affects how they transfer to the background grid, but will not affect how much space they take up.

If you are animating scale in order to get them to fatten up and take more room, you should use divergence instead.

hi ,How I can change the size of space occupied by fluid particles?
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