What pc for ocean , pyro simulation and vfx

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Joined: 11月 2023
PC Houdini Simulation and other?

Hello , first of all sorry for my bad English , I'm trying to lean Houdini and I'm interested mostly to vfx and pyro and ocean/water simulation, just used blender till now and I'm happy with it , but I saw houdini simulation actually are amazing quality , actually I use an HP Workstation z440 with E5-1620 V3 - 32 gb ram couple of ssd and a nvidia quadro m4000 for visualize and a nvidia rtxA4000 (16gb) for render and such. last 2 years I also entered in apple ecosystem (iPhone , iPad and MacBook M1 Pro 16") , I like to work with low power consume , low cpu temperatures , and overall low noise. My hp z440 hp with Quadro gpu's is good on that , and MacBook Pro as you know doing no noise and no high temp at all...Actually I do modeling , sculpting , texturing stuff on MacBook Pro (it seem really good on this), using also 2d software and editing video software ...when I need to use Gaea or Blender for render or Houdini for Simulations I'm using the HPz440 workstation ..I use it even with window Remote Desktop from my MacBook and it works good (working from couch or in the summer from terrace or from each place you want it is really a plus .

Now the question is , should I stay with hp440 (maybe getting more ram) or should I update , I mean would I get a really impressive advantage from new AMD cpus? (I'm thinking to still using the GPU quadro stuff because of really quiet noise)... I read every AMD 7900x or similar or Intel i7 or i9 doing a lot of noise and produce a lot of high temperature (but what about other cpu's Xeon or more efficient cpus)...I know what a Throttle is and sometime also xeon do that because of high temperatures where I live (in summer 34-40 C°) - unless I keep it always with air conditioning on (not good at all for an hobbist like me) ...I just thinking about Mac Studio (at least 48 gb ram) that in simulation should be good and overall it is really quiet and has no problem at all with high temperatures and does not know throttle ...what you think shall I do?
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