Motion FX on Rig Pose broken?

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Hey, I'm clueless about CHOPs, so I can't figure out if this is something I'm doing wrong or if it's some weird bug.

Steps in a new scene:
- Add a geometry node, and inside add a Skeleton node
- Draw a simple chain of three or four bones.
- Add a rigpose node, select one of the points to expose it in the parameter box
- Right click the Rotate X of that point in the parameter window and add Motion FX -> Noise

The bone now rotates according to the noise. Save the scene, reload the scene: the bone now doesn't move anymore, the motion fx appears to have stopped working completely. What's going on?

This is quite awful because I just "animated" a dozen skeletons using lots of these nodes to drive many bone rotations, and after reloading the scene, none of it works anymore.
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Likely this setup is conflicting the 'geometry'-nature of KineFX with the older school object-level-nature of MotionFX. I manage to reproduce your error on my machine in exact the same order (working at first, after reload not working anymore). Probably wiser to set up your noise at the geo-level through attributes and work from there.
Quite disturbing issue nontheless..:/
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Thank you for confirming, I've logged a bug.

I like the idea of doing it through attributes, that sounds a lot more convenient anyway!
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Joined: 5月 2006
Hi all, confirming I am seeing this in 20.5.332 as well today
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