Attribute is not controlling the wind as expected.

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Hi folks,
I want to control wind based on my 'activate' point attribute. 'activate' attribute is set to value 1 over time along y-axis.
I have set up simple vellum grain. And I have turned of the gravity on sop level in vellum solver. Inside the vellum solver, I have pop wind where I set the value to " -9.8 " and I have used the vex expression " wind.y = f@activate " . But it doesn't seem to work rather vellum grains are floating. How do I get the wind controlled by my 'activate' attribute ?
Thanks in advance

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For VEXpressions, you may have to set the entire vector. I don't think wind.y will work.

Try something like wind = set(0,f@activate,0);
Edited by Enivob - 2024年10月5日 08:28:19
Using Houdini Indie 20.0
Windows 11 64GB Ryzen 16 core.
nVidia 3050RTX 8BG RAM.
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The solver is only reading the attribute from SOPs on creation frame, so if you check your geometry spreadsheet it most probably is 0 thru out the whole sim.
You could update the attribute or write your activision code inside the solver using a pop wrangle.

The floating.
They catch momentum when moved from intersection on first frame.
Edited by mawi - 2024年10月5日 17:09:44

activate.hipnc (569.2 KB)

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Thanks mawi. Enivob, the wind thing doesn't seem to solve the issue, anyway thanks.It seems like solver is not importing attribute each frame as mawi said, we have to import attribute from point wrangle and fix the input section to the sop path. Thanks a lot guys.
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