Heightfield Scatter - Using piece attributes

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So I am scattering trees on a heightfield, and have a four loop which creates 10 variations of tree. I giving each version a unique name based on the loop iteration.

To the side I've created another loop to lay out the variants, just to test and admire my selection of beautiful trees, iterating based on the name attribute.

But then when I put it into a heightfield scatter, defining pieces with the name attribute, I'm just getting points. When I just had the trunks, I had the pieces defined by connectivity, and that worked fine. However after adding the branches each tree contains unconnected geometry, so everything got scattered all over the place.

What am I missing about how defining pieces by attribute works?

(BTW I realise I could use the tree generator, but this is just a practice challenge I set myself to help get back into Houdini.)


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Edited by clem.lysergy - 2024年10月14日 03:15:34

name.png (301.7 KB)
variants.png (1.3 MB)
scatter.png (216.8 KB)
Forrest.hiplc (429.5 KB)

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partially fixed

Forrest.hiplc (6.7 MB)

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partially fixed

Thanks for looking into this and interesting solution. Someone also helped me out on facebook and it turns out that all that is needed is to pack each tree

solution_with_pack.png (72.3 KB)

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