ZOOM on tracked camera

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How do I zoom tracked camera (Nuke / Syntheyes) in the view like in Blender?
Or this is not possible in Houdini?

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If by "zoom" you mean in the viewport only, without changing the actual render output (for example to see something you edit bigger and more clearly): On the left side of the viewport, there is a 'view' icon (small camera icon), if you right click that, you can change the mode from "3D camera" to "2D pan and zoom" which lets you zoom and pan around in the view as needed.
Martin Winkler
money man at Alarmstart Germany
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also do Ctrl+RMB drag to zoom in the viewport 3d Camera mode, which will change the Screen Window of the camera to Zoom
Tomas Slancik
FX Supervisor
Method Studios, NY
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