Can this behavior be stopped or is it just some odd Houdini bug?
Seems like anytime I duplicate a node in anyway (alt-drag, create reference copy, etc) it wipes the original nodes memory/bake and causes everything down stream to also recook.
This wastes sooo much time in bigger sims, remeshing, etc.
On a similar note, exporting from the ROP FBX Output and some other file saving nodes can randomly do this too. It is much less consistent or often than when duplicating a node, but its still very strange behavior. Seems to pick a random node anywhere in the chain to recook before it will save out the data.
Why is a node recooked when duplicating/alt-dragging it?
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- JasOnn
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- JasOnn
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- jsmack
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This has a got a be a bug right? Though its been around for years, unless i'm just missing a settings somewhere.
It's not a bug, but highly annoying. When you paste nodes into a network with nodes that have the same name as the nodes being pasted, the existing nodes are renamed to make room for the paste, then the nodes are named back again. Renaming dirties the original nodes. It's unfortunate. A workaround I have is to paste into a new subnet, rename the pasted nodes myself, then copy again and paste into the target network.
- wlvl_r
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is it possible to add something like this in the ALTdrag copy function?
If so could you point me to the script to modify please?
If so could you point me to the script to modify please?
upmode = hou.updateModeSetting() simupdate = hou.simulationEnabled() # print(upmode) # print(simupdate) hou.setUpdateMode(hou.updateMode.Manual) hou.updateModeSetting() hou.setSimulationEnabled(False) DO THE ALTCOPY STUFF HERE hou.setUpdateMode(upmode) hou.updateModeSetting() hou.setSimulationEnabled(simupdate)
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