Proper way to import kitbash assets into stage/solaris

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hi I'd love to know if there is a correct/updated way to drop kitbash assets with materials/textures into stage/solaris without picking through a thousand disassembled components then reassembling etc.

my searches on the subject seem to yield out dated results so any tips would be greatly appreciated. I haven't looked at 'kitbash 3D' assets in some time and I understand they have some compatibility between cargo and Houdini.

the regular (non cargo) hip file from them looks like a train set you'd happily walk into traffic before assembling.

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Bump.. any insights?

I know there is a cargo plug in but I'm wondering to what extent that would consolidate the individual parts of geo for a structure/building for example.

if anyone knows please let me know
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Joined: 2月 2016
Still not sure about this but there is a HDA by Luca Rodiger here: []

But it would be great if Cargo imported assets in correctly to Solaris and Karma.
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Joined: 10月 2024
I've also seen this HDA but I'm struggling to actually install inside any version of Houdini. Has anyone had any luck installing?
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