Hi Guys,
Sorry if this has been asked before but I couldn't find it in the search through the forums.
I'm getting back to learning Houdini, so I dusted off my copy of “The Magic of Houdini” and I'm trying to follow along with version9, not an easy step I tell you. I have a problem though, Will states there is a Toolbars and Controllers menu with options to toggle the “Operator toolbar” now the help in H9 states the same thing, but I've looked every where, searched every left click and right click and middle click I can think about, but there is no “Pane>Toolbars and Controls>Operator toolbar” in fact there is no “Pane” can anyone please direct me in the right direction?
Thanks in advance
Toolsbars an d Controls in H9
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- JColdrick
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Operator toolbar has gone now - you'll notice there's a shelf which might look similar, but it's more uber-charged than the toolbar was. Personally, if I were learning the basic interface I would use the help that comes with H9 first, walk through the built-in help and the online tutorial movies. There's simply too much cross wiring you'd need to do in your brain to figure out what was you not getting something and what was simply changed(like this example).
Most of the H8 tricks and stuff that went on in terms of building networks and how they interplay with each other is more or less unchanged. The in-your-face GUI stuff like this, though, has had some significant overhauls. For example, no need to have a Particle viewer anymore - there's been a lot of consolidation with different contexts and you can see particles right there in the main Scene window. There's a lot of stuff like that which I could see costing you a lot of time trying to translate from H8.
Most of the H8 tricks and stuff that went on in terms of building networks and how they interplay with each other is more or less unchanged. The in-your-face GUI stuff like this, though, has had some significant overhauls. For example, no need to have a Particle viewer anymore - there's been a lot of consolidation with different contexts and you can see particles right there in the main Scene window. There's a lot of stuff like that which I could see costing you a lot of time trying to translate from H8.
John Coldrick
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