Adding points to a curve using Python?

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Hey guys,

I have a curve which was defined as such:

curve = hou.node('/obj').createNode('geo', ‘curve’)

And I am accessing the data in the curve as follows:

curve = hou.node('/obj/curve/curve1').geometry()

How do I add points to this curve procedurally using Python? I looked into createPoint(), but that just confused me further. :?
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Nodes such as SOP are meant to create the geometry data from its parameters. So modifying the output of the node is not a good idea. So you have two choices:
- Manipulate the node's parameters instead, OR
- Create a Python SOP operator, which then you can write the code for that creates the geometry.
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Hmmm, is there any way to declare a curve and all of its points in one fell swoop then?
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Setting point positions on the Curve SOP's parameters (in python) should be ok, no?
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Setting point positions on the Curve SOP's parameters (in python) should be ok, no?

I'm not quite sure what you mean. Can you elaborate please?

I think I should have been more specific in the outset of this thread…what I'm trying to do is to make a curve which follows the geometry of a polygonal object. That is to say, given that I have an object in the scene, I want to make a curve whose set of points is a superset of the verticies of a polygonal object.
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Here's how to do it using the Curve SOP. If you want to do it in python, then it's just a matter of setting the Curve SOP's parameter to the appropriate point numbers.

curve_snap.hip (35.0 KB)

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Here's how to do it using the Curve SOP. If you want to do it in python, then it's just a matter of setting the Curve SOP's parameter to the appropriate point numbers.

Cool, thanks for taking the time to upload that file. I guess what I'm really having trouble with is figuring out just how to set the parameters using Python.
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