Questions for the SPY

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Spy is very useful.
but I'd like to some customize it.

1: auto hide dot files(ex .cshrc)
2: sequence listing like a shake (ex test.0001.jpg test.0002.jpg … -> test.1-100#.jpg
3: replace and add app shortcut key
(ex 1key:houdini6 2key:houdini7 5key:shake 6key:nuke)

Does somebody know how to customize it?
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I could defile auto hide(ignore function).
but I have one more question.
4: how to change to row and column ?
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YAY! More spy users! I think using Spy has literally saved me an accumulated 71 days of tedious typing over the past ten years. C'mon people, you aren't Houdini users until you know how to use Spy.

Don't know how to change a row to a column. What do you mean?

As for sequence listing, you'll have to call some kind of standalone sequence listing tool. Search the net for “seqls” or “lseq” there are tonnes out there, (and usually buggy). I wonder what Houdini uses internally and if it's a standalone? I couldn't find anything in $HFS/bin that looked likely.

I have attached my .spyrc file, you can use it as an example:

map 1 unix shake %
map @ jump =/mnt/projects/common
map 2 jump =/mnt/tools
map 3 unix hview %
map 4 jump =$CON_DIR
map 5 jump =$SCN_DIR
map 6 jump =$HREN_DIR
map \^ jump =$SHR_DIR
map 7 jump =$WORK_DIR/houdini/hip
map & jump =$WORK_DIR
map " jump =$SHOT_DIR
map 9 jump =$REN_DIR
map | jump =$PRJ_DIR

#remove spaces from filenames
map } unix mv % `echo % | sed ‘s/ /_/g’`

map + jump =/mnt/tools
map = unix mplayer -quiet % &
map \\ unix extractRenderTimes -f %

map 8 unix ls -ltrhp
map * unix ls -Lltrhp
#map 9 unix ps -ef | grep houdini | grep -v grep ; ps -ef | grep mantra | grep -v grep ; ps -ef | grep maya | grep -v grep ; ps -ef | grep alf | grep -v grep

map ) unix lseq
map 0 unix rls

map i unix import screenGrab.jpg ; shake screenGrab.jpg

map ` unix alfred &
map v unix $HOME/bin/view_doc %


color *seanl* red
color *.hip purple
color *HIP* purple
color -dir blue
color core reverse_red
color -tagged reverse_white
color -x green
color README reverse_yellow
color NOTE reverse_yellow
color *.html red
color *.gz red

ignoremask .* 1
#ignoremask *.vex 1
#ignoremask *.slo 1

map . ignoretoggle =1
Sean Lewkiw
CG Supervisor
Machine FX - Cinesite MTL
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Just to add to Sean's excellent post (I probably have a nice number of typing hours saved myself, thanks to spy), there is some information on the help docs on how to customize spy:

http://localhost:48626/ref/utils/spy_customize [localhost]

Spy rules!!
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Anyone else here not know what Spy is?

<raises hand>

Kind of hard to get information from a Google search on such a ubiquitous name.
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Anyone else here not know what Spy is?

<raises hand>

Kind of hard to get information from a Google search on such a ubiquitous name. []

Kinda handy, esp if you're a shell user. Type “spy” in a shell to get going. (Make sure the shell is set up with the Houdini environment)

This is a tool that some of the developers use religiously.. which is why they wrote it.
Jason Iversen, Technology Supervisor & FX Pipeline/R+D Lead @ Weta FX
also, []
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In addition to Jason's handy link, I'll add that its a lot like Midnight Commander or Norton Commander except that its more geared to dealing with 3D-ish stuff like sequences of still frames. []

That said, I think also serves as some odd personality test. But I'm not sure what it says….

/me looks at Mario
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Spy rules!

Although, the H8 docs seem to be much more complete when it comes to SPY. I guess thats something that's yet to be updated. (unless i'm blind, which is possible) []

Anyone else here not know what Spy is?

<raises hand>

Kind of hard to get information from a Google search on such a ubiquitous name.

You can limit google to only search the Houdini docs. It works quite well.

Spy site: []
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Thanks for the a lot of comment .

what is lseq and rls ?
map ) unix lseq
map 0 unix rls

I'm looking for the sequence listing function to spy.
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12737 posts
Joined: 7月 2005
what is lseq and rls ?
map ) unix lseq
map 0 unix rls

…those look like inhouse programs, perhaps?
Jason Iversen, Technology Supervisor & FX Pipeline/R+D Lead @ Weta FX
also, []
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Thanks for the a lot of comment .
what is lseq and rls ?
map ) unix lseq
map 0 unix rls
Yes, these are both in-house utilities. lseq is a variant of seqls, and “rls” is a wrapper on lseq/seqls that takes its output and parses it so you can easily run flipbooks at whatever res you want using whatever flipbooking util you want to use.
Sean Lewkiw
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Machine FX - Cinesite MTL
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When I start spy, all I get is a path the time and <empty>.
Please someone help me in using spy ?
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