2000 Mocap files in BVH format from TrueBones.Com

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Thank you for your help,

i find the command and i run it,

i run “mcbiovision ouahide$ cd/bureau/bvh/skiing.bvh outfile ”

i feel that it's work but there is no outfile.cmd create.

may be il make mistake.

Thank you.
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I am trying to use BVH motion capture data with a character.

The BVH import (using mcbiovision) works fine. The imported skeleton moves fine. In order to associate the skeleton to the character model I must edit the bones - length, rotation and capture regions.

But the bone parameters can't be edited because they are tied to the imported data file. The only parameter that is editable is the bone length.

I've tried a lot of things to get around this problem but nothing has worked.

Any Ideas?!

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There are a separate set of transforms for bones for the Capture Pose. These are Capture Bone Translate, Capture Bone Rotate, etc. parameters. You can visualize these when you go to the main menu, Edit > Objects > Capture Pose. To rotate them, use the Rotate tool. For everything else, you can use the Edit Capture Regions tool.
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