Announcing XMLShape 2.0 (Procedural modeling of buildings)

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Joined: 9月 2008

After much more time than I expected, I was able to finish version 2.0 of the XMLShape project. With the exception of a few bugs found and corrected, and a little more flexibility in the parsing, the project has no new features, but the code is now much easier (I hope) to read and modify. That will allow me to make more and faster changes than before. Unfortunately, Houdini also hangs more often, and I don't know why… -(

As usual, the page is at


Now, I'll try to add textures, relative measures, a “repeat” operator and other juicy stuff. Ah! and generate an HDA with the resulting building!

Finally, I really would like to thank all of you who helped me so much with the project. You're great!


* skylineEngine project coordinator
* buildingEngine module developer
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