I am a new HOUDINI user and started to learn it with the free videos given on sidefx web site.
When following the Wire frame rendering video, there i encountered a very trivial problem.
In the tutorial when they do the FLIPBOOK rendering, they disappears all the visible objects from the screen.
But one thing doesn't match with the video is, the axis indicators.The red lines started from the center to the x, y and z axis are not present in the view port of the video.
but they are in the view port of mine.
I need to disappear them because flipbook do renders including those red lines.Which is absolutely no desired when my final goal is to get the wire frames only.
So, could anyone plz tell me how to disappear those axis indicators, that means how to disappear the red lines.So i can do flipbook render without them.
(I know this very silly to ask this kind of simple questions, but i failed to find the solution and i need to do the wire frame render.)
Thanks in advance.