Help:-Null object don't display icon in the viewer pane

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Hi All Houdini People,
Like you see in the screenshot with the new vers.10 I don't see the null
icon ( for example Control Type) in the viewer pane:-
Somebody can Help me?
Thanks in Advance
PS:- The “New” NULL in my vers.10.0.268 has not the control1 % point1
inside like the old but gold vers.9.5

Null_Obj_vers.10.0.267.png (158.8 KB)

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Please don't keep reposting the same topic - we see it already.

What has likely happened is you are adding the null while in *SOP* context, and you're selecting Null-Utility. You can select Null-Create, and it works fine. You can also add a null while in Object context, and that works too, and really is probably what you should be doing. I agree it can be confusing, I've never been a fan of the choices to name these options as ‘Utility’ - to me that's meaningless.


John Coldrick
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Thanks JC for replay!
But I think we speak different languages:-
First , I don't see any change in the viewer pane when I change the control type (like You say in * SOP * context…..)…..see screenshot…..
Second, there is no changes also in Object context…I don't have a Null-Create choise in the TAB Menu'!
Can You ,please explain what I'm doing wrong…
It really make me crazy because I cannot see the control type like before
in the old version!
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Actually I thought a similar thing when I first downloaded H10. It was a matter of the null being the same size as the center of the transform handles, and that was obscuring it. I just jumped into the null object, and CTRL+SHIFT+left-clicked the scale parameter and changed that to 5.
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Thanks Ragupasta,
anyway it don't solve my problem:-
I don't see any change of Control Type (circles,box etcetera) in the viewer pane.
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I'm honestly having a hard time understanding what you're talking about.

Go to the Scene View that you have displayed in your image(it's in the object context). Hit tab - select ‘Null’ - click down, and you'll have a proper null with the control crosses. Other than that, I'm afraid I can't help you.

What you *are* doing, it appears and as I've already said, is in the *SOP* context you're adding a Null(utility). That creates an object with only a single null SOP in it, as you're showing. The only other thing I can think of is that you've somehow changed the definitions of the actions. Try renaming your $HOME/houdini10.0 directory and restarting, see if you can repro.

John Coldrick
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The Null object should contain two SOPs. One is called control, which displays the geometry, and the other is called point, which gives the location.

If you are saying they are not there, then something has gone wrong in the null creation process.

You can try creating the null by using the tab key and typing “null”. See if that works. If it does but the shelf button doesn't, then there is something wrong in the shelf script.

If it doesn't work when you are using tab then there is a major malfunction.
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EDIT: If the null does not have the point sop inside it you can try closing Houdini, deleting your preferences folder, and restarting Houdini, which will install the default preferences.
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Thanks moonlightkiss,
but I'm on PC not a Mac!
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Thanks moonlightkiss,
but I'm on PC not a Mac!
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LabMarino - it doesnt matter what platform you are on (Linux, Windows, OScrap, etc) - you have a Houdini preference folder. Try deleting it and see if that fixes it.

go to C:\Documents and Settings\your_username\My Documents and see if there is a houdini10.0 directory there. If yes, delete it & try again.
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Hi moonlightkiss,
You know where it is in Windows XP?
Please,tell me, I'm going crazy!
PS:- I can't find this folder
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Try here - C:\Documents and Settings\your_username\My Documents

If it's not there try using your search function and search for a houdini* folder - this will list all folders starting with the word houdini. If it doesnt come up then that means you dont have a preferences folder and I would recommend reinstalling Houdini because something has been messed up on in the install.

Make sure you have full permissions on the computer you are installing to, as that can really mess up the usability.
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Thanks a lot for quickly replay moonlightkiss
after all searching….
I don't have the “preference”folder inside my computer, and also no chance by disinstalling the Houdini10.0 Directory;-
but I don't understand while the“Null” is working fine in the old 9.5 version:-
Now I have to reinstall also the old version?
I'm a little bit afraid while everything with 9.5 is working fine!
I think the problem was always upgrading Houdini last version 10.0… (say during Beta testing),maybe something is changed in the file's configuration,
but still try to make things better..
I like to know what do You think about!
Best Regards
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I said to reinstall H10, not H9.5. If 9.5 works then leave it alone. I do hope you searched for a “houdini*” folder and not a “preference” folder!

Yes, something probably got screwed up while installing H10 - so you should uninstall it and install it again, run it, and that should create a preference folder for you, as well as fix your null problem.

Is the Null sop the only problem or are there other weird things going on? If its just the null sop then you could just work around it.
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Hi moonlightkiss,
no problem I was searchin for the right *all* houdini folder!
But You know I've always installed the “new” build from every 10.0..version!
That's why I'm so sceptical = Nothing had Chanced!!
have to resign and trying to find a solution working the *10.0.271* “Null”?
and in what manner?
All the Best
Thanks Again
LabMarino :?
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Just because nothing changed doesnt mean something didnt get corrupted. You should have several preference folders - one for each build you have installed, including Houdini 9.5. If that folder doesnt exist then you have a problem and should reinstall. Make sure you are looking in your entire C drive and not just the documents and settings folder.

If you refuse to reinstall, you can open 9.5, copy the point sop out of the null node, and paste it into your H10 null sop. That should work.
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Last favour moonlightkiss,
can You explain step by step the last solution?
I mean if I copy the control & point from the 9.5 version?
Thanks in Advance
LabMarino :?
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You can use the hotkeys for copying and pasting in Houdini.

So if you have H9.5 open and H10 open, you can just copy and paste between them. Ctrl+c = copy. Ctrl+v = paste.
“In the beginning the Universe was created. This has made a lot of people very angry and has been widely regarded as a bad move.” - Douglas Adams
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