Material palette and update shaderball

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Hi folks

Has anyone got any problems with regards to laying down a basic surface shader in the material palette? I need to go to shop level and dive into the node as the parameters are not promoted. (changing base color in the material palette has no influence on the underlying surface shop)
Also update shaderball icon is broken and hangs Houdini

I have submitted bug report as I couldn't find anything in the forum regarding this

linux x64. Houdini HD 10.0.310
dell m6300
quadro fx 1600m
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This could also be a permissions problem - like if you didnt install Houdini as Admin/Sudo. You have to have permissions to write to certain folders or else VOPs and shaders wont work properly.
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Houdini is installed as admin using sudo

I take it you don't have the problem?
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I could be wrong but I thought you are always supposed to use su with houdini installs rather than sudo.
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I've alway installed with sudo without any problems. I have no problems with 9.5. The only problem node is the basic surface shader from the material palette and of course the update shaderball which works ok on h9.5 as well
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installed 10.0.314. all ok now
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