Anyone have experience with exporting matchmover to houdini?

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Are you still having problems or have you got things working now?
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Are you still having problems or have you got things working now?

I have pretty much gave up on it. I cant seem to get it to work, however, I would LOVE to get it to work correctly. I have recently been putting more focus into maya because its so much easier to get the results I want for matchmoving effects (and to override my dissappointments). Thanks for your kind concern.

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Finally had a little time to play with Syntheyes. And from first impressions, its really good. Easy workflow : Footage—>Tracker, Tracker—->Houdini. Easy interface. Still need to play some more though.
Here is my first test track with syntheyes. Needs some tweaking, but this is only a first test!

I apologise for the artifacts, but compressing to below 5megs has sucked the life out of it

Attachments: (3.7 MB)

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Finally had a little time to play with Syntheyes. And from first impressions, its really good. Easy workflow : Footage—>Tracker, Tracker—->Houdini. Easy interface. Still need to play some more though.
Here is my first test track with syntheyes. Needs some tweaking, but this is only a first test!

I apologise for the artifacts, but compressing to below 5megs has sucked the life out of it

Looks great! but how did you get them to both render out? I only render out the object alone and not the video. Did you use fusion to composite them together?


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Its a flipbook not a render. Utilising the roto method of adding the background in that splitpoint so kindly made a small tutorials for. However I did do a render with the background together using the same method as what stevonong suggested, using the view tab on the camera to add the background image.

However rendering both together turned my nice cool blue sky to a warm orange/red coloured sky for some reason. Was very much like a red overlay in comp. :shock:

Edit: Here is a render, see what I mean :p

clouds.jpg (24.1 KB)
cloudsflip.jpg (25.8 KB)

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I did try what stevenong suggested and it did work for a default camera that I added but with the camera on the tracked footage from boujou it was completely missing. I think it was in that error picture I posted a few posts ago. Im not 100% sure why its not there. Thats probably the whole reason im having this problem in the first place.

EDIT: OK I just retried the tutorial and everything worked up until i hit render lol. When I hit render, after adding the image through roto, it still does not display in my render window. Im really not sure what is going on here.
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The roto image does not appear in the render, that is for viewport only. To make it appear in the render, go to your camera—->view tab, and there is a field for background image. Point this to the file(s) you want to be rendered with the scene…….then hit render.
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The roto image does not appear in the render, that is for viewport only. To make it appear in the render, go to your camera—->view tab, and there is a field for background image. Point this to the file(s) you want to be rendered with the scene…….then hit render.

Yes, but I do not have that option in my boujou track to hip file. I posted a pic a few posts up that shows the error. Im not sure what it is doing. I can get it to work if I drop in the default camera however. Its pretty weird.
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It seems to me Boujou's script or hip file is not updated to Houdini 10 so the camera does not have all the default parameters.

You can go to the Gear Icon of the camera's Parameters, Edit Rendering Parameters…, expand Mantra 10.0 > View and look for Enable Background Image & Background Image parameters. Select both parameters, click on the “->” button to add them to the camera and hit Accept.

Now, the Boujou camera will have the correct parameters.

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It seems to me Boujou's script or hip file is not updated to Houdini 10 so the camera does not have all the default parameters.

You can go to the Gear Icon of the camera's Parameters, Edit Rendering Parameters…, expand Mantra 10.0 > View and look for Enable Background Image & Background Image parameters. Select both parameters, click on the “->” button to add them to the camera and hit Accept.

Now, the Boujou camera will have the correct parameters.


That did it!!! Thank you so much!!
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