Isolate particles to build a splash

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I saw Jeff Lait's video “Houdini 9.5 Fluids Overview” on Fluids Technical Evening and i'm recreating a similar wave situation. But I don't understand how to isolate particles that collide on the rock (in the video it says: “isolate the particles which will be used for the hero splash, in this case,based on $VY>=5 and a white color passed from the rock”) to build the hero splash. Can you help me, please? Do you have some example?
Thank you very much in advance!
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The Attribute Transfer SOP was used to transfer the rock's attributes to the particle field.

See the attached example file.

Tip: You can use the expression
in the group field of a Blast SOP (any SOP that takes varying local attributes). Blast is a bit more efficient than Delete with expression. There is both a Blast and a Delete SOP so you can see two ways to cull the points of interest.

attrib_transfer_cull_pts.hip (55.5 KB)

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Thank you very much Jeff!
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