I'm getting an error with even the simplest DOPS digital asset. I create dop network, go inside and create a rbdobject with the defaults, and then go to the object level again and create a subnet with the dop network inside it. I then create a digital asset and get these errors :
/obj/test_v01/dopnet/rbdobject1/rbdconfigureobject1/sopgeo2/soppath: /obj/test_v01/dopnet1/rbdobject1/defaultgeo
Path is not relative, but could not be changed
/obj/test_v01/dopnet/rbdobject1/rbdconfigureobject1/sopgeo1/soppath: /obj/test_v01/dopnet1/rbdobject1/defaultgeo
Path is not relative, but could not be changed
Do you wish to save anyway?