Fatal error

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Hi all,,

I just had a power failure on my computer in the middle of a houdini session.
After reboot, everything appears to work fine, but houdini gives a “fatal error” while loading.
I have downloaded and installed the latest build, but with no luck. This makes me wonder if a system file has been corrupted during the crash.
My question is how to find or identify the source of the problem.
I looked through the crashlog, which states :

Crash report from anders; Houdini Master Version 10.0.474
Traceback from Sat Nov 28 15:40:35 2009
Caught signal 11
createCrashLog(UTsignalHandlerArg, char const*) (AP_Interface.C:0)
AP_Interface::coredumpHandler(UTsignalHandlerArg) (??:0)
UT_Signal::UT_ComboSignalHandler:perator()(int, siginfo*, void*) const (??:0)
UT_Signal::processSignal(int, siginfo*, void*) (??:0)
RE_OGLExt::hasExtension(RE_Extension) (??:0)
RE_OGLExt::hasExtension(RE_Extension) (??:0)
RE_OGLExt::initialize() (??:0)
RE_OGLRender::initGLExtensions() (??:0)
RE_OGLRender::initGLState() (??:0)
RE_OGLRender::makeCurrent() (??:0)
UI_Window::clearWindow(UT_Color const&) (??:0)
X11_Window::doOpen() (??:0)
UI_Window::handleEvent(UI_Event*) (??:0)
UI_Window:penImmediate(bool) (??:0)
UI_Switcher::doOpen() (??:0)
UI_Feel::doOpen() (??:0)
UI_Feel::doOpen() (??:0)
UI_Feel::doOpen() (??:0)
UI_Feel::doOpen() (??:0)
UI_Feel::doOpen() (??:0)
UI_Feel::doOpen() (??:0)
UI_Window::doOpen() (??:0)
X11_Window::doOpen() (??:0)
UI_Window::handleEvent(UI_Event*) (??:0)
UI_Queue::processNextEvent() (??:0)
UI_Queue::drain() (??:0)
UI_Queue::drainEvents(bool, bool) (??:0)
OPUI_MainApp::loadFilesAfterUiOpen(UI_Event*) (??:0)
UI_Queue::processNextEvent() (??:0)
UI_Queue::drain() (??:0)
UI_Queue::eventLoop() (??:0)
main_part2(int, char**) (AP_Main.C:0)
main (??:0)

Any help is greatly appreciated

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12 posts
Joined: 1月 2009
Found the problem.

It appears that the “Signal 11” originates from the video driver.
So reinstalling the driver curred the problem


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