Cloth sim crashes when high resolution

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I have created a coat and made it collide and come to rest on a rough body structure. I put a subdivide on the geometry before I ran it through the cloth solver. Now the simlulation freezes right from the get-go. If I remove the subdivide node it works fine. Can anyone help me out on this? I'm pulling my hair out.

My hip file is attached.

untitled.hip (1.8 MB)

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Looked at the file, but didn't get to run a sim out because you didn't lock the File SOP. So basically everything else was erroring out…

My suggestion would be to run the coat out low poly and then bake that geo out. Then bring that baked geo back in and apply the subdivide to it. That will make all the folds and creases look better. The cloth solver seems to not handle extruded geometry very well either so I would stay away from that, if possible, during the sim process.

Hope this helps

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Hi Ryan,
Thanks for the info. The only problem I encounter with baking out low poly and then subdividing it is that because I'm running the cloth sim on a low poly model, I'm not getting the amount of folding that I want. Any suggestions for getting more folding etc from the outset?
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If the folding is what you are wanting then then that is all with the cloth settings themselves. It is possible to get good creasing and folding with the right settings on a low poly mesh. Of course it depends on how many folds you are wanting and where. I can't really say much more because the hip that you uploaded doesn't have the file SOP locked.

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Hi Ryan,
Sorry about the file lock, I've locked it and attached it to this new email. And thank you for your tips so far, I really appreciate it. Some of the cloth sim stuff makes me crazy LOL!, I can use all the help I can get.

Thanks again

untitled.hip (1.9 MB)

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Check my file
i did change some thing,

(and i LOCK all the final nodes, since they get an link error very quickly.)

did solve very fost like 7 sec per frame or faster since some times it jump like 10 frames.

Cloth.hipnc (1.6 MB)

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another test with bones and movement.

cloth.hipnc (1.8 MB)

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