Houdini goes to atlanta

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Hi all I'm a newbie to this whole houdini thing so expect for me to be asking a lot of questions. Even so I'm going off the deep end with this houdini thing I like the software and the access you get with the non-commercial version which I thank sidefx for the lack of the restrictions you see with previewing most other software. I am going to start a few websites dedicated to anime, horrorfilms, music scoring, and voice acting. So that the community strengthens here in atlanta. Our main software will be houdini (just because I like it). So right now I am raising awareness for my concepts and this software. I will be starting a website/magazine named motion magic magazine dedicated to story telling, cg movie production, anime, and fx. Now I don't wanna be like cg cgannel or 3d world and do a bunch of tutorials for x and y software but I want to focus on the actual process and show info in a non-platform specific way. What I would like from the community is some advice on what you all would like to see on this website as far as 3d and fx are concrened. Give me an idea of what you like and don't like about 3d magazines and websites today.
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Personally I would love to see Industry Tips and Tricks and Industry news on different peoples projects/films/animations. I am a native from Atlanta so I would be very interested in your mag. I would love to work in Atlanta since I grew up there.

Nate Nesler
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glad to hear your a native atlantian if there is such a thing. Well one of the things I am doing is starting a user group of houdini users who meet in atlanta and it doesn't quite stop there but most the people who are learning 3d are really big into anime so much of what we will begin to do is start doing anime, cg shorts, and commercial design material. My background is actually from web and graphic design. That's how I ended up doing 3d material. After previewing a lot of different software I found houdini inspiring for what I wanted to do, which is film, but to do that I had to cover every facet of the industry so there is a lot more going on here. Than just motion magic magazine. If your interested in hearing more e-mail me at gplabs@glasspear.com.
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One thing that comes to my mind is Stop Motion animation. I would love to hear about how it's done. Things like stage setup, lighting, materials, cameras, lenses, film, and whatnot etc. Also examples of someones work, interviews with Stop Motion animators, tips, tricks……
Enough for now!
The Things I Do For Love!
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just better make sure ur magazine is available in South Africa!!!

one thing u can add to the list along with stop motion animaiton that i would love too hear more about is the integration of models and CG,
ive always love it when they mix different mediums.

when do u think ur magazine will be shipping ?


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