chop switch automatically to sop

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in my houdini, i created bones. i use 2 panes:
pane 1 : viewer(at object state)
pane 2 : network editor (chops state).
the viewer panes display the bones and the network editor display the network of the KIN_CHops. what i want to do is : while working/modify the parameter of my KIN_chops(in pane2), i'll then see and test the movement in the viewer(pane1), but the problem when selecting some objects/bones in viewer, the pane2 (chops) is automatically switch to SOP state and display my currently selected obj. so if i want to edit the kin_chop, i have to go back to chops state and do it over and over again.
i tried to change the ‘panes link’ to different number, but still got the same problem. anyone know how to solve this?

does anyone know where i can find any good houdini tutorial talking about character rigging/animation that is available in the NET?

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