I had the idea - like probably many before - of initiating a HUGG Houdini User Group Germany:
procedurale - http://www.dezentscientifik.org/ [dezentscientifik.org]
procedurale is also the name of a proposed - maybe virtual - festival.
LEO-oo suggested to invite users from Austria and Switzerland as well:
http://hudach.wordpress.com/ [hudach.wordpress.com]
The main purpose is to gather informations in German language about Houdini.
Offering Workshops, Contacts.
Books, Tutorials, Recommendations.
Measures to propagate the spread.
As we are likely scattered a lot, there is also a ‘I am here’ like category - so members can meet each other on conferences and such.
Please share your comments here:
http://forums.odforce.net/index.php?showtopic=6608&hl= [forums.odforce.net]
HUG - Houdini User Germany (or German speaking Houdini User)
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