Help!! Houdini crashes after a few minutes!!

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Joined: 3月 2006
Hi everyone!!!

I've installed Houdini Apprentice 9.1, in Fedora 8 and
a few weeks ago I sent a post called “Houdini takes me to the login window”.
First I thought it was retated to the video card (ATI Mobility Radeon X 600 - 256 Mb), but after some tests I finally solved the problem by setting the “SELinux” as permissive and since of that, it didn't take me to the linux login window anymore.

Houdini is a bit more stable now, but unfortunatelly a bug persists. Every time I open Houdini it works fine for a few minutes and some simple tasks like creating and positioning simple primitives, but ather that it crashes.

Is there any knowlege about that bug??How can I solve it???

I'm on a notebook Compaq Presario X6000
Pentuim 4 HT
2 Gb Ram
Fedora 8
ATI Mobility Radeon X 600 ( 256 Mb video card), with the latest ATI Proprietary Diver installed (version 8-02-x86.x86_64).

Thanks for everyone!!!
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Does houdini save a crashlog in $TMP? Maybe you could also try to run houdini without selinux (turn selinux completely off - if that is possible).
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