Rman DSO Problem

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I am trying to write a Rman Procedural for Houdini.
Right now , what I want to do is , take a bgeo file as a argument and scatter points on its surface at render time.
On my first step, I was successful putting points on the input geometry points.
Now, I am looping thru all primitives and finding there centres to put points.
But there are some methods which when I use in my code, aborts Rman and gives this error . imdisplay-bin: Invalid tile header
my code is somewhat like this
i = 0;
UT_Vector4 hairBasePos;

cvs = i*0.2;
cvs = i*0.2;
cvs = i*0.2;
widths = (RtFloat)0.1;

the cvs array is set with arbitrary values, just to check if it is working.
Even the hairBasePos gives correct values. I printed it and checked.
But This code stops with error imdisplay-bin: Invalid tile header
if I skip the statement, skinPrimPtr->evaluateInteriorPoint(hairBasePos,0.5,0.5);
code works fine, and renders arbitrary points.

I thought my skinPrimPtr is not correct and I included
cout << “Prim Num : ” << skinPrimPtr->getNum() << “\n”;
but it shows correct output and renders without any error.

Plz Help…
iamjaideep80 (Jaideep Khadilkar)
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