SUSE 10.2, 10.3, H9.5.274, both 32 and 64 bit.
I'm trying to track down huge core dumps from mantra on our grid…we're running csh, ‘limit coredumpsize’ is set to zero, HOUDINI_COREDUMP is off…the problem seems to happen when we run out of memory.
The issues isn't one of why mantra is gobbling memory, it's more administrative - shouldn't mantra be dying quietly without cores? I just want to do a touchstone that this is the case before I start beating up the grid software.
Oh, also, all these cases are multi-threaded mantra renders, in case that might matter. The names of the files are of the form:
where xxxxx is, I imagine, the PID.
I've just upgraded to the latest 9.5 too, we were in a crazy time where we couldn't, haven't had a chance to test this yet.