Dynamic simulation optimal settings

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Joined: 9月 2008
Hi, is there a list of ‘' optimal combination’' for both the rigidbody solver and RB properties to get efficiency/speed/accuracy balance?
the help file explain every setting one at the time but not the impact that one may have on another…

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Joined: 11月 2008
although i'm not an expert yet..i always make sure that the collision geometry on my RBDs is reasonable….as in its proportionate to the size of the RBD obj.
if i have a small sphere with a radius like 1 or 2 i keep the collision geometry below 20.
if i'm using standard geo like boxes or spheres etc, i use Implicit box or Implicit Sphere modes.

also for previz purposes, i reduce the collision passes on the solver a bit..

there must be better ways..lookin forth to learn few tricks..
Bhavesh Pandey.

https://bhaveshpandey.io [bhaveshpandey.io]
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Joined: 10月 2008
And when unable to use Implicit Sphere or Implicit Sphere box due to more advanced geometry, a really nice feature is to solve the simulation with a less advanced model than the rendered one and transfer its movement to the one to render. There is a great example in the help named “ProxyGeometry” which shows how to do this.
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