Fractured object won't break apart

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Joined: 8月 2009
Hi all,

I am really new to Houdini and I just tried to create a simple example based
off the shattered glass example file. I have a triangulated grid that is partitioned
and I just want it to fall apart when it hits the ground plane.

I am using a RBD Glue Object and I have glue strength set to .05 as in
the example file, but nothing happens except a regular rigid body reaction to
the entire plane.

I'm kind of unclear also on how you are supposed to use groups and when
they are automatically created etc. Also, what is supposed to be the input
to the dopimport node when you are using groups? A merge?

Thanks in advance for any help! I'm attaching my file.

shatterGlass1.hip (97.8 KB)

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