I am having trouble getting mental ray to work with houdini. I've serached and found several scraps of info on how to make it work, like these:
http://odforce.net/wiki/index.php/MentalRaySetup [odforce.net]
But Still, can't make it work. Here is what i do:
Installed MR standalone, then setuped the env variables from houdini like this:
MI_LIBRARY_PATH CProgram Files/Autodesk/MentalRayStandalone3.6.1/lib
MI_RAY_INCPATH CProgram Files/Autodesk/MentalRayStandalone3.6.1/include
MI_ROOT CProgram Files/Autodesk/MentalRayStandalone3.6.1
Then in the mental ray rop i set the path to the exe file, and hit render. Two things happen: 1. Ray.exe pops into task manager and takes 50% system resources; 2. Houdini console pops and says:
RC 0.2 warn : unknown filetype mplay, assuming rla
RC 0.2 warn 082008: jittering disabled because max samples < 1
But no images are to be found. Can anyone explain how to make it work?
Also in the following thread:
http://www.sidefx.com/index.php?option=com_forum&Itemid=172&page=viewtopic&t=14056&highlight=imdisplay [sidefx.com]
… they discuss how they are making the houdini player to open the images from MR, but they speak on a godly language that my simple mortal soul cannot comprehend. Any guides out there for the simple creatures?