I am working on a sprite shader based on the 3dbuzz tutorial.
And the problems comes together …
I use a ramp to set the color of my sprite.
the ramp can be “dependent” of the life of my particle, their scale or their speed.
I would like to know if it'possible to get OGL color match with my color gradient.
With something like that :
I have the red channel but only a the very beginning of the ramp.
I cant see what kind of expression to use to make the ogl color right.
Of course the shader “works” without that but if it's possible to get a ogl preview of color, I would like to try to achieve it.
Hmm ….
If someone can explain to me why I have to put a vm_geo_sprite in addition of my node ( and maybe why a surface output and a geometry output) iI take it too !