Voodoo camera tracker maya exported data to houdini.

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Hi, sorry if posted in wrong forum section

I am working on a project trying to convert the Maya Export data from VooDoo camera tracker to make it usable in Houdini.

I got most of it figured out and can import the point cloud and the camera transformation and animate it through chops but the rotation of the camera do not work correct.

The initial position matches up correctly with the feature points but at the last frame the rotation is a little off. It feels a little like it rotates around the wrong axis.

I put up the export data at
http://pastebin.com/m6d915832 [pastebin.com]

Currently i have for the camera in houdini setup through export chop:
VoodooCam_focalLength as focal
VoodooCam_translateX as tx
VoodooCam_translateY as ty
VoodooCam_translateZ as tz
VoodooCam_rotateX as rx
VoodooCam_rotateY as ry
VoodooCam_rotateZ as rz

I convert the horizontal aperture from maya to houdini aperture as whalerider did in his maya to houdini camera transfer tools and it seems to work as it becomes correct for initial position.

Basicly what i wonder is if anyone have got voodoo data working correct in houdini before and can point me in some direction what i am doing wrong?
If not maybe someone knows if something apart from mentioned used data in the maya file can affect the rotation of the camera? It is especially line 22 to 31 i wonder what they do.

Hope i explained reasonably clear.


UPDATE: It has todo with the rotation order for the camera. Applying rotations in order rz rx ry instead of default rx ry rz makes it align almost but not fully with the feature points. Is there some way to mimic how Maya do rotations? I have understood that the order is not of important there.
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I thought ill bump my own thread as i got it working decently and maybe someone else want to try it in the future as other software is expensive if it is not for large scale usage.

It ended up with a python script that converts the Maya scene file .ma outputted from voodoo into a .cmd file which have the same layout as the ones created from Syntheyes. (Nice of them to have example data and files on homepage)

http://www.evegard.se/houdini/voodooMayaToVoodooHoudini.py [evegard.se]
Sample movie created:
http://www.evegard.se/houdini/voodoo_and_houdini_test.avi [evegard.se]
Sample movie on youtube:
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6BEDMmWUFQk [youtube.com]

Script takes mayafile as input
“python voodooMayaToVoodooHoudini.py scene.ma”
and puts a scene.cmd in same folder

Running the cmd results in a camera and a pointcloud that you can use to position your objects.
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I am trying your script now. Thanks for all the work!
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