Genreate poly surface from Points

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Hello everybody !
I have group of points from tracking representing land surface ,
what the work flow to build surface by this points…
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Hey disco
I've think I've got half an answer,
If you append a triangulate2d node to your points, it'll create a 2d plane from your points.I'm not quite sure how to control the angle it projects from though.
It'll be flat but you could then append a point sop, put your plane in the first input then your original points in the second
set the positions in the point sop to the second input
$TX2 $TY2 $TZ2
that'll decompress your plane, results might be random.
Let me know if you work out a way to control them
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Maybe the particlefluid sop does what you want.
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Thank you HUGH!
I only missed the “triangulate2d”

That the way i build my surface from group of points:
points —> triangulate2d sop —> point sop

in point sop i change the Y values to be respectively to the Y values in the original points input.

under position in point sop instead of $TY :

little explanation for people who are new to this.
“sort1” - is the source of the original points in this case.
$PT - the point index.
“P” - position vector of point
1 - the Y element of the vector.
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Hey Disco Disco
That doesn't quite work with the set up I've got.
Let's say for instance you make a random cloud of points from a jittered sphere maybe,
then append a triangulate2d node
it would be good to define the angle you project the polygon plane onto them.
then move them back into there original positions with the point sop.
You could then recreate surfaces or hulls of objects that have been tracked in a
camera solving package.
Syntheyes has a function like this , where you can select the points then triangulate them from the angle your looking from, very handy.
Any ideas how to adapt the triangulate2d node?
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You turned me to Hummus ! :-)
you mean something close to that ? (some kind of experiment)
not sure what you meant …

but you right is not trivial … it was good for my case only …
look at my example … need node that wrap in 3d all points…
hope i understood you…

hummus.hipnc (66.6 KB)

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