Hi all,
I have searched on the forum and I have not found many information regarding reloading
dso without restarting houdini.
So I've tried to write a command to do that.
It's still in pre-pre-pre-pre alpha
Use it at your own risk!
The command is “dsoUtil” and supports 3 flags:
dsoUtil -l <full_path_filename> // loads a dso
dsoUtil -u <name> // unload a dso given the name. the dso name is the same as the file name (without extension)
dsoUtil -s // shows the names of manually loaded dso
Please note:
- when a dso is unloaded, the OP name still remains in the Op Table,
do not try to create the op in this case, otherwise houdini will crash !
I'm trying to fix this.
- command cannot unload dso loaded automatically at startup
- built for houdini-nc 10.0.501 Windows 32-bit
- currently the command works only for SOPs
How to use:
- compile your SOP but don't put the dso in the houdini start-up search folder
- launch dsoUtil -l <filename>, e.g. “C:\myDsoFolder\MySop.dll”
- do all the tests
- check the manually loaded dso name with dsoUtil -s, if needed
- delete all the nodes of type MySop
- unload the dso with dsoUtil -u MySop
- change the SOP code, recompile, etc.
- reload the sop
- and so on…
Hope this can be useful