Quick question: whenever I move something in the viewport, the surface updates to the new translate-position when I stop moving the translation gizmo handle.
this is somewhat different from all the other apps that I know. if I move a piece of geometry with a handle in maya f.e., it moves instantly and interactively while I manipulate the gizmo.
houdini is more like this: - move gizmo blindly - snap surface to new position
this is kind of unnerving. is there a button to switch that behaviour in the viewport?
the option “interactive mode” only seems to change the shading when I move my camera, it doesn't change this particular issue.
Please check the bottom right corner of houdini, and make sure that you are set to Auto Update instead of On Mouse Up or manual. Another think to check is that you have Update Parameters Interactively toggled on under the Edit menu.
I was also curious if the interactivity extends inside POPs.
Currently, if say I have a Force POP and change some of the noise parameters, I would have to go back to frame 1 and play the animation in order for it to cook and see the results.
Is there a way to interactively see my adjustments in the viewport at say frame 50 without going back to frame 1 every time?