Rigging Character Problem

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Hi All,

I am a beginner in Houdini Rigging ways. I imported a 3d model of a character that I made in 3ds max to Houdini. Then I used the AutoRig tool, matched up the rig to the mesh and made sure the the autorig node was linked to my female model. Next I set up the proxy groups and saved out the proxy geometry file. Then I finally hit the Create/Modify/Match Rig button to create the animation and deform rig nodes.

The problem happens after I created the rig. The joints for the knee caps are reversed and I do not know how to fix that. I have attached a couple of images to help clarify what I am saying. If anyone has any suggestions on how to fix this please let me know.


girlRigged.png (223.2 KB)
GirlProxy.png (214.6 KB)

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It looks to me like the problem is a result of the position of the hip, knee and ankle. If you look at the Auto Rig, not the Animation Rig, you'll see a green arrow offset from the knee. This arrow corresponds with the plane that the above 3 control points create and is used to define the default axis of rotation for the leg. In your case it seems that because of the positions of those controls, your leg axis is much more off towards the center of the body rather than straight ahead. If you go back to the Auto Rig, reposition the controls a bit better for a more straight forward leg plane and then use the Modify Scene Rig feature you should get a better result.
Graham Thompson, Technical Artist @ Rockstar Games
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You sir, are a saint! Thank you so much graham for your help. I completely looked over those plane arrows when setting up my rig.

Now off to painting weights!
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