Torque Exporter Problem (again)

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Joined: 9月 2008
Dear Houdini Users:

I was wondering why my file crashes upon exporting from a Torque 3D render node. Basically it's the word Houdini, for lack of anything better, as a Poly outline. I have a grid swept along the outline of this word, skinned in Nurbs, capped, converted to Poly's, fused, and finally divided to create triangular polys.

On a much simpler file I don't have any problems with the exporter, such as a box morphing by changing the tz parameter of the copy sop from 2 grids. (The 2 grids are skinned with keep primitives on to create a box, converted to polys and divided to create triangular polys).

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

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