creating an environment

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Just wondering if there are any tutorials or example files of how to create an outside environment in Houdini… for example I'm looking to do an animation of a truck driving down the highway and wanted to have sky, mountains in the background and something (grass or rocks or both in the foreground) and a road with gravel at the side of the shoulder. Any tips on how to accomplish this?

Thanks for you input!
~the most important things in life aren't things~
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Joined: 11月 2009
One hundred readers and no answer :?

Its something humorous folk with Houdini, I also asked for this kind of Full Feature training, but there is NOT any complete practical Tutorial or Lessons at this time from start to end for the whole Pipeline Integration and realistic(!) use with HD in VFX projects with detailed environment.

Its not HD as stand alone, its also tracking and compositing (Fusion, Nuke) and bring all together in and out HD. []

This kind of high end CG and VFX training I'am missing for Houdini, too! []

So, always stay tuned!
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